Deep Resourcing for World Changers

A self-guided journey to resource yourself, your community, and your work in the world

World-changing is brave & beautiful work.

But it’s costly too. It can turn us inside out, and our worlds upside down.

It can challenge us, change us, sometimes even break us.

If you’re burning out, wondering whether what you do makes a difference anymore, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or overextended, this course was made for you.

How will the course help me?

Caring for yourself and caring for the world needn’t be a trade off. In fact, the exact opposite can be true. Doing good in the world can be our biggest source of joy, meaning and growth. But knowing how to rest, reflect and deeply resource ourselves is not something we are often taught how to do.

Deep resourcing is a practice, and one that can at times feel at odds with the pressures of the world around us. Yet learning to tend to ourselves can be a source of real transformation, beginning deep inside and spreading out far beyond.

Deep Resourcing for World Changers gives you the tools, resources and support to help you on that journey. The course is especially designed for:

🌿Environmental activists and/ or professionals experiencing eco-anxiety and burnout.

🌿Those working on systemic justice issues who want to learn more about how to resource themselves.

🌿Anyone whose contribution to the world, whether seemingly big or small, no longer feels sustainable.

How does it work?

In this course you will learn…

🌿A wide range of resourcing practices from mindfulness & breath work, to coaching frameworks & resilience theory.

🌿The radical origins of self care & how to foster caring cultures in our wider communities & the world beyond.

🌿Where to go and how to continue your deep resourcing journey beyond this course.

You’ll need to set aside 20-30 minutes a day, for 21 days. Each session contains video recorded teaching, followed by journal prompts and a range of follow up resources to delve deeper.

You can take a session each day for three weeks, every couple of weeks for a year, or anything in between. Move entirely at your own pace.

The suggested investment for the course is £75, but if that’s not affordable for you, not to worry. Everyone should be able to access the resourcing they need, so you can simply give what you feel able to.

Your course creator and guide

Hi, I’m Jo and for most of my twenties I directed a small campaign which went on to become a fast growing climate charity influencing at all levels of government. 

I loved it. Whenever I felt anxious about climate change, I turned up to my work feeling good that I could make a difference. Until, I didn’t anymore. 

I worked more and more, but felt less and less satisfied. Funding pressures took a grip, emails mounted up, I never switched off. I became jaded, cynical, hopeless.

Then my body started talking to me. Before long, I was so burned out I couldn’t work and I found myself in and out of hospital with symptoms that doctors couldn’t get to the bottom of.

World changing had been the antidote to my anxiety and despair about the state of things, but when I couldn’t do that anymore, I fell apart.

This is the heavier side of doing work that holds such meaning for us. And it can affect anyone and everyone trying to do something good in the world.

But I’m here, on the other side, not just recovered but genuinely grateful for the journey I took. It was the beginning of the biggest, scariest and best adventure of my life. I am so excited to be able to make this offering to you, it was what I needed when I was burning out, and I hope it will be a helpful companion on the next steps in your journey too.

Jo x

Any questions?

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